
The GW Regulatory Studies Center's mission is to improve regulatory policy through research, education and outreach.

The Center is a leading source for applied scholarship in regulatory issues, and a training ground for anyone who wants to understand the effects of regulation and ensure that regulatory policies are designed in the public interest.

Established in 2009, the GW RSC is an academic center of the George Washington University, a private, top-tier university located in the Nation’s capital. It is housed within the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, which is consistently ranked among the nation’s top policy schools, and attracts high-achieving students interested in careers in public policy. In addition, with our location near the White House and Capitol Hill, the GW RSC is a hub for academic institutions around the country, and brings fresh ideas and analysis to policy makers in Washington.

GW values rigorous research and academic freedom; it strives for ideological diversity by fostering open inquiry across its many departments and disciplines. The GW RSC scholars, led by director Roger Nober, and co-directors Joseph Cordes, Christopher Carrigan and Steven Balla publish research in respected, peer-reviewed academic journals, such as Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Risk Analysis, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, Supreme Court Economic Review and Administrative Law Review. Their expertise and achievements are recognized by leading organizations in their fields, including the Administrative Conference of the United States, the National Academy of Public Administration, the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis, the American Bar Association and the Southern Economics Association.

The GW RSC supports graduate Trachtenberg School students through research opportunities, stipends that allow them to take unpaid internships in government agencies and career guidance. Its well-attended events feature insights on regulatory policy and practice from diverse individuals across the ideological spectrum, including members of Congress; high-ranking officials from each of the last six administrations; international diplomats and academics; and legal, policy and economic scholars.

The GW RSC receives support for its activities from governments, foundations, companies and individuals. It does not accept funding that is conditioned on hiring (or retaining) particular individuals, nor that influences the content or conclusions of its work.

Photo of the GW Regulatory Studies Center team

Our Team

The Regulatory Studies Center's team of scholars, graduate assistants and staff is dedicated to fulfilling our mission to improve regulatory policy through research, education and outreach.

Panelists sitting on stage at a Reg Studies event with a screen: The Future of OIRA Review

Our Community of Scholars

We regularly work with scholars from other institutions here at the George Washington University as well as with external centers and individuals around the world.


Gifts to the GW Regulatory Studies Center support our mission to improve regulatory policy through research, education and outreach.

Fact Sheet (PDF)


Our Research


Created image of a trophy atop a platform for first, second, and third place.

Promotes best practices for regulatory analysis

  • Benefit-cost analysis

  • Regulatory risk assessment

  • Competition analysis

  • Public interest comments on proposed regulations


Created image featuring a hammer and bar charts in the background.

Improves regulatory processes and institutions

  • Focusing on outcomes

  • Reforms to align private and public interests

  • Improving retrospective review for better feedback and evaluation

  • Enhancing international regulatory cooperation


Created image of two documents connected by two arrows demonstrating a feedback loop.

Serves as a source for objective information on regulatory matters

  • Regulation Digest newsletter

  • Measures of regulation and regulatory effects (Reg Stats)

  • Regulatory policy commentaries

  • Publications in academic journals and popular media


Policy on Research Integrity

The George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center, as part of the George Washington University, is subject to University policies regarding integrity of research and conflict of interest. The GW Regulatory Studies Center scholars independently pursue high quality research to illuminate regulatory theory, policy, and practice; the Center does not take institutional positions on issues. To maintain its independence and the quality and integrity of its products, the GW Regulatory Studies Center does not accept funding that stipulates predetermined results or that limits dissemination of its scholarly activity or research. While the Center occasionally files public comments on specific regulations, it does so from the perspective of the public interest, and will not accept direct funding for individual comments.


Connect with Reg Studies


Contact Us

Regulatory Studies Center
805 21st St. NW
Media & Public Affairs Building
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20052

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 202-994-7543

Fax: 202-994-6792

Follow Us

Stay connected to the GW Regulatory Studies Center by subscribing to our newsletters and following us on social media.

Twitter: @RegStudies


Subscribe to our newsletters:

  • Weekly Regulation Digest
  • Monthly Research Update
  • Susan Dudley’s Forbes Column

Work with Us

If you would like to inquire directly about collaborating with the Center, or would like to submit your resume for future career opportunities, please email:
[email protected].