All Publications


Accounting for the True Cost of Regulation: Exploring the Possibility of a Regulatory Budget

Testimony before the United States Senate Committee on the Budget and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs' hearing on Accounting for the True Cost of Regulation: Exploring the Possibility of a Regulatory Budget.

Accounting for the True Cost of Regulation

Testimony before the United States Senate Committee on the Budget and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs' hearing on Accounting for the True Cost of Regulation: Exploring the Possibility of a Regulatory Budget.

Making Regulation More Accountable

Senate bill would require independent regulatory agencies to follow same regulatory review principles long used in the executive branch agencies

Examining Practical Solutions to Improve the Federal Regulatory Process

Testimony before the United States Senate Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management Roundtable Discussion hearing on Examining Practical Solutions to Improve the Federal Regulatory Process.

Structuring Regulators

Regulatory organizations can be structured in different ways, and choices about their organizational structure can impact regulators’ behavior and performance, both overall as well as at the level of individual employees. This paper analyzes structural decisions about regulatory organizations along two dimensions: vertical structure and horizontal structure.

Regulatory Action Holding Steady in Spring 2015 Unified Agenda

The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs released its semiannual Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions for Spring 2015.