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Clean Power v. Clean Energy

EPA's rules will face new legal challenges based on both the economic analysis and statutory authority. This Policy Insight reviews some of the major issues.

A Two-Year Lookback on Trump’s Deregulatory Record

How is the Trump administration’s deregulatory program going? That was the topic of a panel discussion hosted by the Regulatory Policy Committee of the American Bar Association’s Section on Administrative Law and Rulemaking last week.

IRS's Safe Harbor Notice on State and Local Tax Credits

On June 11, 2019, the IRS published a guidance notice stating that certain individuals who receive state or local tax credits in exchange for contributions to or for the use of a charity or other entity described in section 170(c) can treat the contribution as a state or local tax payment. The Treasury Department and IRS requested comments on this Notice by July 11, 2019.

FDA's Proposed Rule on Mammography Standards

Early detection of breast cancer can save lives. Mammography is one of the screening tools that has contributed to reductions in breast cancer mortality. FDA has a unique role in mammography and should be commended for proposing to update its rules, particularly for those updates that reflect new technologies, such as the provisions related to digital mammography that update old regulatory terms like “x-ray film.”