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Pitching Retrospective Review as a Cure for Regulatory Accumulation

Retrospective review may be the best way to address this inevitable regulatory buildup, but the path to effective review of regulations has many obstacles.

Are Future Lives Worth More, Today, Than Our Own – Simply Because of Income Growth?

The charge questions that EPA has presented to the EEAC for consideration this week relate to the analytical foundations of a procedure for estimating the value of statistical lives saved in the future – possibly the distant future – as a result of regulations imposed today.

Facilitating Earlier Information Sharing and Cooperation Between the U.S. Department of Transportation and the EU

This study examines existing practices for communication and cooperation between regulators in the European Union (EU) and the United States (U.S.) responsible for transportation safety and other matters regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). The study describes current procedures, identifies successes and challenges to effective regulator-to-regulator cooperation, and offers suggestions for improving regulatory outcomes through cooperation.

Oversight of the Renewable Fuel Standard

Prepared statement for the record for the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Hearing on Oversight of the Renewable Fuel Standard

The Role of FDA Regulation in the Fight Against the Zika Virus

FDA's assessment of potential remedy remains unreleased