Commentaries & Insights

Our Commentaries and Insights are short-form publications intended to distill long-form research and synthesize current policymaking activity into easily understood concepts.

President Trump’s Midnight Regulatory Agenda

OIRA released its Fall 2020 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions, marking the last Agenda to be published under the Trump administration.

The Midnight Regulation Phenomenon

It’s officially midnight in Washington, when an outgoing presidential administration rushes to complete its priorities before a new administration takes office.

Midnight in the Garden of Rules and Regulations

Midnight regulation is upon us and it may be more chaotic than usual because his administrators may be more rushed than in previous transitions.

Motor Carrier Rate Bureaus

Craig Keats participated in our Delivering the Goods event to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Staggers Rail Act and Motor Carrier Act.

Regulatory Impact Analysis in Brazil

The Federal government of Brazil issued an executive order that made regulatory impact analysis (RIA) mandatory for regulations.

Sophisticated Economics for Complex Regulatory Reform

aul Milgrom and Robert Wilson were selected for the 2020 Nobel prize in economic sciences in part because their work has been used “to design new auction formats for goods and services that are difficult to sell in a traditional way, such as radio frequencies.”

Effect of Deregulation on Labor Markets

James Peoples is a professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. He participated in our recent webinar series, Delivering the Goods, that looked at how the Staggers Rail Act and Motor Carrier Act were passed, and what effect they had on the surface freight industry. Professor Peoples’ continues his reflections in this Commentary.

A Model for Bipartisan Cooperation

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Motor Carrier Act and the Staggers Rail Act, which substantially deregulated prices, entry, and exit in surface freight transportation. These reforms are noteworthy because they produced enormous consumer benefits, there is a strong scholarly consensus about their effects, and they enjoyed significant bipartisan support. The Regulatory Studies Center will host an online symposium to commemorate these regulatory reforms and draw lessons for the future.

Reflections on the EPA at 50

At 50 years old, the EPA is the focus of some bitter controversies, but the nature of its mission should be something that unites more than it divides us.

Regulations Teed Up at the DEA

Several of the regulations teed up at the Drug Enforcement Administration are long-awaited actions that seek to address the ongoing opioid epidemic.