Commentaries & Insights

Our Commentaries and Insights are short-form publications intended to distill long-form research and synthesize current policymaking activity into easily understood concepts.

Why the Federal Government Struggles to Hire and Fire

Through evidence-based reforms, the government can foster a federal workforce that is even more productive and capable.

Vague Net Neutrality Rule Impedes Innovation

FCC's recent order imposing common carrier and net neutrality obligations on broadband Internet access providers creates a complex new regulatory structure.

Does Reducing Ozone Really Improve Human Health?

EPA recently concluded that current NAAQS standards do not fully suffice to protect public health. Does causal evidence support this conclusion?

CFPB Should Consider a More Dynamic Approach to Prepaid Debit Card Regulation

Little evidence suggests that CFPB's proposal will have desirable consequences, but it will likely increase compliance burdens.

Justices Debate Benefits and Costs of EPA Mercury Power Plant Rule

Supreme Court considers whether EPA factored costs properly in its 2012 case on Mercury and Air Toxics Standards

Improving Regulatory Accountability: Lessons from the Past, Prospects for the Future

Bureaucracy has outgrown Congress' ability to exercise oversight

One-Size-Fits-All Regulations are a Bad Deal for Low-Income Americans

Long-term benefits may not add up for households at low end of the income distribution

2014: The Regulatory Year in Review

This commentary highlights ten important final rules U.S. federal agencies issued in 2014. Although the agencies predict each rule will offer substantial public benefits, each rule also has considerable expected costs, some of which outweigh the benefits.

The Utility of Humility

Fundamental change in regulatory decisionmaking is needed, and the foundation for that change must be greater humility.

Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Transatlantic Trade

Well-designed regulatory approaches can support international trade and investment