Commentaries & Insights

Our Commentaries and Insights are short-form publications intended to distill long-form research and synthesize current policymaking activity into easily understood concepts.

The Utility of Humility

Fundamental change in regulatory decisionmaking is needed, and the foundation for that change must be greater humility.

Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Transatlantic Trade

Well-designed regulatory approaches can support international trade and investment

Are Internships the New 'Pathway' Into the Federal Government?

Thanks to the Pathways Programs, current students and recent graduates may now find it a little easier to land a full-time job in the federal government.

What's New in the Fall 2014 Regulatory Agenda?

The Fall 2014 Unified Agenda identifies 3,415 regulatory actions at different stages of development.

Interim Final Rules Over Time: A Brief Empirical Analysis

Interim final rules are an exception to the APA requirement that agencies use the notice-and-comment process before finalizing a rulemaking.

New Study Finds Federal Regulation Costs Over $2 Trillion Per Year and Disproportionately Affects Small Businesses

National Association of Manufacturers puts a price tag on regulatory compliance

A Retrospective Review of Regulatory Review Itself

An interesting new paper from the Mercatus Center, “The Legacy of the Council on Wage and Price Stability”,* takes an instructive look back at the origins of centralized review of federal regulations.

Disclosure as a Form of Market-based Regulation

A new working paper seeks to identify the underlying incentive problems that caused the global financial crisis and how they may be resolved.

How to Improve Retrospective Review and Reduce Regulatory Burdens

In response to a request for information, we filed a comment offering three recommendations to further DOE's retrospective review efforts.

Tight Budgets Constrain Some Regulatory Agencies, but Not All

Each year we examine the President’s proposed Budget of the United States to identify the outlays and staffing devoted to developing and enforcing federal regulations. This “regulators’ budget” report covers agencies whose regulations primarily affect private-sector activities, and expressly excludes budget and staffing associated with regulations that govern taxation, entitlement, procurement, subsidy, and credit functions.