Journal Articles & Working Papers

These documents are the apex of the Center's academic research.  Our working papers are authored with the intention of publishing them in peer-reviewed journals at a later date, and our journal articles are setting the standard in their academic disciplines.

Facilitating Earlier Information Sharing and Cooperation Between the U.S. Department of Transportation and the EU

This study examines existing practices for communication and cooperation between regulators in the European Union (EU) and the United States (U.S.) responsible for transportation safety and other matters regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). The study describes current procedures, identifies successes and challenges to effective regulator-to-regulator cooperation, and offers suggestions for improving regulatory outcomes through cooperation.

Salience, Complexity, and State Resistance to Federal Mandates

Although state resistance to federal mandates is a prevalent characteristic of contemporary American federalism, little is known about the factors that separate resisting states from states that do not oppose federal policy. This article examines state resistance through a framework that classifies public policies by salience and complexity and identifies societal interests and government officials who are hypothesized to influence policy making on issues of varying types.

The Role of Transparency in Regulatory Governance

This article examines the transparency of procedures in the US and the EU related to impact analysis and public comment. It examines the importance of transparency for ensuring the effectiveness of these two regulatory practices, summarizes regulatory procedures in the US and the EU, compares the different approaches, and highlights the relative merits of each.