
The GW Regulatory Studies Center scholars regularly conduct applied research to understand regulatory policy and practice from a public interest perspective. Our content often takes the form of public interest comments, formal testimony, working papers, policy insights, and short commentaries analyzing the most pressing issues in regulatory policy. View the rest of our material by the different types of publications listed on this page or our research areas.

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What We Publish

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Public Comments & Testimonies

Scholarly analysis of the potential effects of particular rulemakings from federal agencies, and advice to Congress on how to improve the rulemaking process.


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Commentaries & Insights

Short-form publications intended for all audiences which provide easy to access analysis of regulatory policy.

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Books & Reports

Formal publications, often completed with other leading organizations and individuals, providing a thorough understanding of regulations and the rulemaking process.

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Latest Publications 

Tight Budgets Constrain Some Regulatory Agencies, but Not All

Each year we examine the President’s proposed Budget of the United States to identify the outlays and staffing devoted to developing and enforcing federal regulations. This “regulators’ budget” report covers agencies whose regulations primarily affect private-sector activities, and expressly excludes budget and staffing associated with regulations that govern taxation, entitlement, procurement, subsidy, and credit functions.

Review Necessary to Ensure FDA’s Food Transport Rule Actually Drives Results

On February 5, 2014, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a proposed rule regarding the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food, which it hopes will help to ensure that food will not become contaminated during the transportation process.

FDA's Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food

The proposed regulation would establish criteria for sanitary transportation practices, such as properly refrigerating food, adequately cleaning vehicles between loads, properly protecting food during transportation, and strengthening record-keeping standards.

Going Global

A shift to a global benefit-cost perspective requires a much more rigorous and balanced evaluative structure.

OMB: Both Costs and Benefits of New Regulations Down in FY 2013

The Report indicates that the new regulations issued in FY 2013 involve lower annual costs and benefits than in FY 2012.

Spring 2014 Unified Agenda

OMB released its Spring 2014 Unified Agenda listing ongoing and upcoming regulations planned by agencies.

DOT Should Incorporate Lookback Plans into Proposed Hours of Service Rule

The Department of Transportation recently extended the comment period on its proposal establishing standards for electronic logging devices and their use.