Commentaries & Insights

Our Commentaries and Insights are short-form publications intended to distill long-form research and synthesize current policymaking activity into easily understood concepts.

Circular A-4: A Comparison between the 2023 Draft and the 2003 Circular

Descriptive discussion of major changes in the 2023 Draft compared to the 2003 version

Regulating Junk Fees May Harm Consumers

Attempts to eliminate junk fees may harm rather than help both consumers and businesses.

Adding Public Engagement Upstream

Improving public participation in the rulemaking process by broadening engagement and expanding proactive outreach

Circular Reasoning?

Evaluating the Draft Circular A-4 which guides regulatory impact analysis across federal agencies

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

HUD’s proposed Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule should commit to retrospective review and to providing technical support to program participants

Robotic Rulemaking

How might generative AI intersect with rulemaking?

Modernizing Regulatory Review Actions

The White House has announced substantive changes to federal regulatory practices

Regulatory Uncertainty Amid the Banking Crisis

Recent bank failures drove regulatory uncertainty around finance and banking regulation to its highest point in over a year.

The Promise (and a Potential Pitfall) of the Biden Administration’s Equity in Public Engagement Initiative

OIRA’s public engagement recommendations have the opportunity to expand engagement in the federal rulemaking process

FTC Commissioner Wilson’s Noisy Resignation

GW Law Professor Richard J. Pierce on accusations of unethical and unconstitutional behavior by the FTC Chair