Commentaries & Insights

Our Commentaries and Insights are short-form publications intended to distill long-form research and synthesize current policymaking activity into easily understood concepts.

Looking Ahead to Regulation in 2016

Although Congress will not likely enact new legislation in President Obama’s final year in office, regulatory agencies are a different matter.

President Obama’s Regulatory Output: Looking Back at 2015 and Ahead to 2016

HHS leads the way in finalizing new economically significant rules

Are Chemical Risk Assessment and Benefit-Cost Analysis Compatible?

Executive Order 12866 requires benefit-cost analyses for all regulations; in many cases these economic analyses rely upon risk assessment for critical inputs. Usually this is not a problem; in principle, risk assessment and benefit-cost analysis are perfectly compatible.

Herding Genetically Engineered Animals to Market

FDA’s decision to approve a genetically engineered salmon for human consumption bodes well for people interested in cheaper fish.

Missed Opportunity for EPA to Cut Back Renewable Fuel Standard

Congress and EPA should reevaluate whether the Renewable Fuel Standard is accomplishing its goals.

Midnight Rules: A Comparison of Regulatory Output Across Administrations

Understanding Midnight Regulatory Activity and how it's used

One (un)remarkable problem?

The public policy world is not exempt misunderstandings, and the renewed emphasis on retrospective regulatory review is a case in point.

Political Discourse Includes Regulatory Reform

This commentary provides a brief review of what the 2016 presidential candidates have to say about regulatory reform.

Early Notice from U.S. Agencies Could Help Avoid Creating Barriers to Trade

Early Notice from U.S. Agencies Could Help Avoid Creating Barriers to Trade