
The GW Regulatory Studies Center scholars regularly conduct applied research to understand regulatory policy and practice from a public interest perspective. Our content often takes the form of public interest comments, formal testimony, working papers, policy insights, and short commentaries analyzing the most pressing issues in regulatory policy. View the rest of our material by the different types of publications listed on this page or our research areas.

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What We Publish

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Public Comments & Testimonies

Scholarly analysis of the potential effects of particular rulemakings from federal agencies, and advice to Congress on how to improve the rulemaking process.


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Commentaries & Insights

Short-form publications intended for all audiences which provide easy to access analysis of regulatory policy.

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Books & Reports

Formal publications, often completed with other leading organizations and individuals, providing a thorough understanding of regulations and the rulemaking process.

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Latest Publications 

Timeliness of OIRA Reviews: A Snapshot in Time

To gain insight into ongoing reviews, we can turn to to get a snapshot of how long the regulations currently at OIRA have been under review.

Australia's Regulatory "Bonfire"

According to the World Economic Forum, Australia's labor regulations and red tape are major problems for doing business in the country.

Rulemaking Ossification Is Real: A Response to Testing the Ossification Thesis

Jason & Susan Yackee engage in an empirical study and claim to find relatively weak evidence that ossification is neither a serious or widespread problem. After a review of the Yackee’s methodology, dataset, time period, and suggestion of appropriate normative criteria, I conclude that nothing in the Yackee’s study contradicts or undermines the ossification hypothesis. In fact, ossification is a real problem that has a wide variety of serious adverse effects.

Public Interest Comment on The Interagency Technical Support Document: Technical Update of the Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis under Executive Order No. 12866

In May 2013, the White House released a revised Technical Support Document (TSD) with a new estimate of the “social cost of carbon” (SCC), to be used by various agencies when evaluating the benefits of emissions

Why Do Politicians Pursue Regulatory Reforms?

Scholars find considerable evidence that the state-level regulatory reforms are about political gain more than administrative efficiency or economic benefits.

IRS and SBA Office of Advocacy Spar over Affordable Care Act Implementation

The IRS published a final rule setting up a tax penalty for businesses whose employees purchase health insurance through an Exchange using a federal subsidy.

Regulatory Reform: What’s New in 2014?

The 113th Congress is considering various bills that would reform the way regulations are developed, analyzed, and reviewed.