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OMB's 2015 Draft Report to Congress on the Benefits and Costs of Federal Regulations

Pursuant to the Regulatory Right-to-Know Act, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) submits to Congress each year an accounting statement and associated report providing estimates of the total annual benefits and costs of federal regulations; an analysis of impacts of Federal regulation on State, local, and tribal government, small business, wages, and economic growth; and recommendations for reform.

Midnight Rules: A Comparison of Regulatory Output Across Administrations

Understanding Midnight Regulatory Activity and how it's used

One (un)remarkable problem?

The public policy world is not exempt misunderstandings, and the renewed emphasis on retrospective regulatory review is a case in point.

Political Discourse Includes Regulatory Reform

This commentary provides a brief review of what the 2016 presidential candidates have to say about regulatory reform.

Early Notice from U.S. Agencies Could Help Avoid Creating Barriers to Trade

Early Notice from U.S. Agencies Could Help Avoid Creating Barriers to Trade

Evaluating Retrospective Review of Regulations in 2014

President Obama has encouraged agencies to review existing regulations and to modify, streamline, expand, or repeal them.

The Ozone Charade

New EPA standard seems driven by economic tradeoffs, despite agency's assertion

Salience, Complexity, and State Resistance to Federal Mandates

Although state resistance to federal mandates is a prevalent characteristic of contemporary American federalism, little is known about the factors that separate resisting states from states that do not oppose federal policy. This article examines state resistance through a framework that classifies public policies by salience and complexity and identifies societal interests and government officials who are hypothesized to influence policy making on issues of varying types.