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A Tumultuous Inaugural Week in Washington

Friday is Inauguration Day and things are busy here in Washington, DC. Venues are getting ready for inaugural festivities. Security is setting up around the parade route, and streets are closing as the city braces for the influx of people celebrating—and protesting—Donald Trump’s swearing in as the 45th President of the United States.

A Useful Measure of Regulatory Output

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently published its Exit Memo highlighting several aspects of the agency’s work under President Obama. The memo includes quantitative metrics of the administration’s regulatory output to draw comparisons with the numbers of regulations issued by agencies under Presidents Clinton and Bush.

As a Parting Gift, Obama Administration Releases Final Report on Regulation

OMB released its annual Draft Report to Congress on the Benefits and Costs of Federal Regulations, providing a window into regulatory activity in FY15.

Structured to Fail? Regulatory Performance under Competing Mandates

Carrigan's analysis demonstrates for policymakers and scholars why assigning competing non-regulatory missions to regulatory agencies can still be better than separating them in some cases.

Regulatory Reset: How easy is it to undo regulation?

Several pathways allow rules to be removed

President Obama’s Midnight Regulatory Agenda

This Unified Agenda outlines the regulatory actions that agencies are planning to undertake in the remaining months of the Obama administration.

EPA's Proposed Rule: Federal Plan Requirements for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Electric Utility Generating Units

EPA’s proposed rule sets state-by-state carbon intensity targets for the production of electricity. States are expected to adopt some form of economic incentive regulatory system to achieve these targets, but there has been a great deal of confusion about how, exactly, such a system should work.