Books & Reports

Academic books and long-term research projects published by Center scholars that advance the overall knowledge of various aspects of regulatory processes and policies.

Books & Reports Spotlight

Jerry Ellig on Dynamic Competition and Rational Regulation

A compilation of the works of the late Jerry Ellig, highlighting a legacy rooted in rational regulation driven by benefit-cost analysis societal benefit.

Handbook of Regulatory Authorities

This comprehensive and interdisciplinary international Handbook examines the fundamental concepts, theories, practices, and empirical achievements and challenges in the contemporary study of regulatory authorities.

Regulatory Compliance Burdens

A review of available literature on potential economic impacts of reducing regulatory compliance burdens on business.

Agriculture and Regulation

The GW Regulatory Studies Center's cooperative agreement with the US Department of Agriculture to analyze agricultural regulations.

ABA AdLaw Section Book

Since 2018, Regulatory Studies Center scholars have co-authored the Rulemaking chapter of "Developments in Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice," an annual publication of the American Bar Association.

All Books & Reports


Unsupervised Use of Opioid Treatment Medications

Methadone, a medication used to treat opioid use disorder, can only be dispensed to patients at federally regulated opioid treatment programs. This restriction grew out of concerns about diversion and overdose.

Developing Regulatory Alternatives Through Early Input

Agencies face a multitude of requirements instituted by Congress and the president to guide their rulemaking procedures. In some cases, these laws and orders, such as Executive Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act, mandate that the agency consider a variety of regulatory approaches when developing a rule.

Where are the Congressional Review Act Disapprovals?

The stars are aligned for Democrats to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to disapprove federal agency regulations from the end of the Trump administration. But will they? With an April 4 deadline looming, members of Congress are running out of time to get the process started with the introduction of a resolution to disapprove a rule.