Enduring Principles of Sound Regulatory Analysis
The economic foundations of Executive Order 12866 underscore its continued importance in regulatory review.
Our Commentaries and Insights are short-form publications intended to distill long-form research and synthesize current policymaking activity into easily understood concepts.
Enduring Principles of Sound Regulatory Analysis
The economic foundations of Executive Order 12866 underscore its continued importance in regulatory review.
FCC Clears Last Hurdles to Creation of Economics Office
The Federal Communications Commission announced that it has received “all necessary approvals” to reorganize economists into a single office.
Now Available: A Concise Explanation of the FCC’s Economic Analysis on Net Neutrality
Many people have sought a clear and concise explanation of the economic thinking behind the Restoring Internet Freedom order.
The Bright Future of Executive Order 12866
E.O. 12866 developed strong public and political support for centralized review as an essential tool for presidential management of the administrative state.
Altogether, the Fall 2018 Agenda indicates that regulatory agencies continue not only to meet but to exceed their goals to deregulate as directed by Executive Order 13771—which instructed agencies to remove two rules for every new one they issue and offset the additional cost imposed by new regulations by reducing costs elsewhere.
E.O. 12866 - A View from the House
Executive Order 12866 is the central executive order governing rulemaking by executive agencies.