
The GW Regulatory Studies Center scholars regularly conduct applied research to understand regulatory policy and practice from a public interest perspective. Our content often takes the form of public interest comments, formal testimony, working papers, policy insights, and short commentaries analyzing the most pressing issues in regulatory policy. View the rest of our material by the different types of publications listed on this page or our research areas.

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What We Publish

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Public Comments & Testimonies

Scholarly analysis of the potential effects of particular rulemakings from federal agencies, and advice to Congress on how to improve the rulemaking process.


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Commentaries & Insights

Short-form publications intended for all audiences which provide easy to access analysis of regulatory policy.

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Books & Reports

Formal publications, often completed with other leading organizations and individuals, providing a thorough understanding of regulations and the rulemaking process.

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Latest Publications 

Hogan’s Had It with Burdensome Regulations

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan announced the establishment of a new Regulatory Reform Commission to combat regulatory burdens.

Senate Explores a Regulatory Budget to Increase Transparency, Oversight

On June 23, 2015, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs and Committee on the Budget held a joint hearing to explore the possibility of a regulatory budget. Two GW Regulatory Studies Center Scholars participated in the hearing.

Escaping the "Smoke and Mirrors" in Benefit Cost Analysis

On June 18, five experts shared their views on the proper scope of BCA and the role that Congress and the Courts should play in the rulemaking process.

Supreme Court's EPA Mercury Ruling is a Victory for Common Sense Regulation

The ruling is a victory for common sense regulation, and for Americans who object to government agencies spending consumers' money as if it were free.

Accounting for the True Cost of Regulation

Testimony before the United States Senate Committee on the Budget and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs' hearing on Accounting for the True Cost of Regulation: Exploring the Possibility of a Regulatory Budget.

Accounting for the True Cost of Regulation: Exploring the Possibility of a Regulatory Budget

Testimony before the United States Senate Committee on the Budget and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs' hearing on Accounting for the True Cost of Regulation: Exploring the Possibility of a Regulatory Budget.

Making Regulation More Accountable

Senate bill would require independent regulatory agencies to follow same regulatory review principles long used in the executive branch agencies

Examining Practical Solutions to Improve the Federal Regulatory Process

Testimony before the United States Senate Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management Roundtable Discussion hearing on Examining Practical Solutions to Improve the Federal Regulatory Process.

Structuring Regulators

Regulatory organizations can be structured in different ways, and choices about their organizational structure can impact regulators’ behavior and performance, both overall as well as at the level of individual employees. This paper analyzes structural decisions about regulatory organizations along two dimensions: vertical structure and horizontal structure.