Commentaries & Insights

Our Commentaries and Insights are short-form publications intended to distill long-form research and synthesize current policymaking activity into easily understood concepts.

As a Parting Gift, Obama Administration Releases Final Report on Regulation

OMB released its annual Draft Report to Congress on the Benefits and Costs of Federal Regulations, providing a window into regulatory activity in FY15.

Regulatory Reset: How easy is it to undo regulation?

Several pathways allow rules to be removed

President Obama’s Midnight Regulatory Agenda

This Unified Agenda outlines the regulatory actions that agencies are planning to undertake in the remaining months of the Obama administration.

Remembering Charlie Schultze

When Brookings economist Charles Schultze died in late September, the obituaries that I read largely focused on his activities related to macroeconomics. The only mention of activities related to regulation and regulatory reform that I was able to find was in Ed Cowan’s Washington Post piece in which he stated that Charlie’s “longest-lasting impact may have been on moving the government away from … command and control regulation.”

The Midnight Uptick: Hasty Turnaround for Costly Student Loan Rule

Fate of a Department of Education rule may hinge on the outcome of upcoming election

Taiwan: Taking Public Participation a Step Further

Yuan looks to strengthen the public comment process

The Renewable Fuel Standard’s Contribution to National Security is Misconstrued by its Advocates

Are biofuels as important to energy security as claimed?

Improving Evaluation of Chemical Regulations

Ex ante evaluation would improve regulatory accountability