Commentaries & Insights

Our Commentaries and Insights are short-form publications intended to distill long-form research and synthesize current policymaking activity into easily understood concepts.

The Window on Low-Hanging Fruit in Regulatory Reform is Closing

Soon the expeditious route won't be an option

More Historic “Firsts” for Regulatory Disapprovals under the Congressional Review Act

Resolutions of Disapproval begin to be used to nullify regulations

Spinning Out of Control: The Hidden Costs of Appliance Efficiency Standards

In a recent presentation, Art Fraas and Sofie Miller used data on appliance defects from class action lawsuits to identify regulations that are ripe for review.

Latest Trump Executive Order Provides Guidance on “Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda”

Additional clarification provides direction for implementing the Trump administration’s previous orders to reduce regulation

A Tumultuous Inaugural Week in Washington

Friday is Inauguration Day and things are busy here in Washington, DC. Venues are getting ready for inaugural festivities. Security is setting up around the parade route, and streets are closing as the city braces for the influx of people celebrating—and protesting—Donald Trump’s swearing in as the 45th President of the United States.

A Useful Measure of Regulatory Output

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently published its Exit Memo highlighting several aspects of the agency’s work under President Obama. The memo includes quantitative metrics of the administration’s regulatory output to draw comparisons with the numbers of regulations issued by agencies under Presidents Clinton and Bush.