Congressional Review Act
The Congressional Review Act (CRA) establishes procedures for Congress to overturn final rules issued by federal agencies. After an agency's rule is reported to Congress, members of Congress have 60 days to introduce a joint resolution disapproving of the rule. When signed into law, these resolutions of disapproval (RDs) overturn the rule in question and bar agencies from issuing a "substantially similar" rule. The CRA offers two unique mechanisms: the Senate "fast-track" procedures and the "lookback" period. For an in-depth discussion of these mechanics and more, see our Regulatory Insight A Lookback at the Law: How Congress Uses the CRA.
Congressional Review Act Window Exploratory Dashboard
Visit the CRA Window Exploratory Dashboard to learn more about the final rules issued in 2024 and how the starting date of the CRA "lookback window" could change the set of rules available for congressional review in 2025 if there is a change in presidential party. For tips on using the dashboard, watch a brief demo video.
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What the Data Show About the Congressional Review Act, 1996-2024
Resolutions of Disapproval Introduced by Congress
This graph shows the number of resolutions of disapproval (RDs) introduced by each Congress since the CRA's inception in 1996.
Following presidential transitions in 2001, 2017, and 2021, the number of RDs increases from the previous year. This could be due to members of Congress taking advantage of the lookback period at the beginning of presidential administrations.
Number of Resolutions by Stage in Legislative Process
This chart shows the number of RDs that have reached each stage of the legislative process. While over 461 RDs were introduced in Congress from 1996-2024, just 20 of them have become law.
Although few RDs make it to the president, RDs are utilized by members of Congress as a messaging tool, as well as a tool to affect agency regulatory actions.
Agencies Targeted by Resolutions of Disapproval
RDs have targeted final rules from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over 70 times. Rules from the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Interior (DOI), and Labor (DOL) have also been targeted many times by CRA actions.
The Lookback Period
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Featured Piece: A Lookback at the Law: How Congress Uses the CRA
2/13/2024 - By Sarah Hay | The CRA establishes procedures for overturning final rules issued by federal agencies. How does the CRA work? And how has Congress used the CRA since its inception in 1996?
The CRA and the 118th Congress
2/11/2025 - Insight by Sarah Hay
After Midnight: Prospective Uses of the CRA in the Second Trump Administration
11/20/2024 - Insight by Steven J. Balla, Sarah Hay, and Zhoudan (Zoey) Xie
How to Count: Congressional Day Counting & the CRA
10/24/2024 - Insight by Sarah Hay
A Regulatory Surge In April 2024
5/10/2024 - Commentary by Zhoudan (Zoey) Xie
A Rush to Regulate
5/7/2024 - Column by Susan Dudley for Forbes
Will History Repeat Itself? Forecasting CRA Use in a Second Trump Administration
5/3/2024 - Commentary by Steven J. Balla and Sarah Hay
Congressionally Reviewed: A New Pattern in CRA Vetoes
10/4/2023 - Commentary by Sarah Hay
Beyond Republicans and the Disapproval of Regulations
1/31/2023 - Journal article by Steven J. Balla, Bridget C.E. Dooling & Daniel R. Pérez, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
Understanding Congress: What is the Congressional Review Act?
11/1/2021 - Podcast featuring Bridget Dooling
Into the Void: GAO's Role in the Regulatory State
1/21/20 - Law review article by Bridget C.E. Dooling, American University Law Review
CRA Fact Sheet (PDF)
12/9/19 - Insight by Daniel R. Pérez
Upcoming CRA Deadline has Implications for Regulatory Oversight by Congress
12/11/19 - Insight by Daniel R. Pérez
We Haven't Seen the Last of the CRA Yet
10/31/17 - Op-ed by Susan E. Dudley, Forbes
New Implications of the Congressional Review Act
11/8/17 - Commentary by Susan E. Dudley
More Historic “Firsts” for Regulatory Disapprovals under the Congressional Review Act
4/4/17 - Commentary by Daniel R. Pérez
CRAzy After All These Years: Extending the Reach of the Congressional Review Act
3/7/17 - Op-ed by Susan E. Dudley, Forbes
President Trump Signs First Regulatory Disapproval in 16 Years
2/15/17 - Commentary by Daniel R. Pérez